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The Science

The three pieces I selected to demonstrate my purely scientific writing skills come from marketly different points and contexts in my undergraduate career. The first ("The Quiet Effects of Deforestation") is from my first science class at this university, and as such represents my "starting point" in how I viewed college-level science writing. Contrastingly, "The Role of Helminths in the Recent Evolution of the Human Immune System" is meant to showcase the culmination of my ability to write in the advanced sciences. An important thing to note when reading them is the differing tone of the introduction and conclusion; I clearly repress my urge to discuss "deeper meanings" much more effectively in the latter piece.


Finally, I've included a link to a presentation that I composed as part of a summer research course in ecology to represent my experience with translational, multimodal scientific writing. More elaborate explanations of the restrictions and intentions of each piece of writing can be found on the individual pages.

Sean Anderson's Capstone Portfolio

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